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Dec 09th Christmas Party and Awards
Welcome Corvette Cleveland December 9, 2017
Happy Holidays to Corvette Cleveland from Williams on the Lake
Webmaster Dan substituting for Santa for a few minutes
The lake of Williams on the Lake
Helene & Judy welcomed everyone
Pop Tart dolls
Pop Tart merchandise
President Dan Tuck started the Christmas and Awards program
President Dan Tuck started the Christmas and Awards program
President Dan brought Pubilsher Cindy Flanhofer up to say grace
The buffet line moved quickly
Two Karens at the buffet
Ray Kreidman and Shari Gray receive their member of the year awards from Ross Carey
Competition Director Jackie Stoutenburg starts presenting awards
Jackie presented helper awards to Ryki Woods and Karen Santagata
Jackie awards the Top Eleven Men: Gus, Tommy, Jim, Marty, Mike, John, Tim, Angelo, Cal, Jeff and Al
Jackie awards the Top Eleven Women including herself: Jackie, Karen, Claudia, Helene, Elaine, Cindy, Shari, Judy, Joyce, Ryki and Sue
Ed Stachowiak stands in for Big Tom Prusnek
Ed and Mike Willis share an emotional moment
Ed tells Mike's story
Warren brings up Mike's special award and starts to unveil it.
Ed reads the award to Mike
Mike holds his special award up for all to see
The Ultimate Racers Trophy: Only for those with an uncontrolable need for speed and spectacular spinouts! Mike Willis 2015
Ed Stachowiak and Mike Willis with the award made out of the remains of Mike's Z06 wheel
Mike Willis made an acceptance speech and encouraged us all to attend 2018 Track X
Warren Obert starts presenting the next very special award
Warren tells the story of our club member who calls shows ahead to find out if the trophies are worth competing for
Warren unveils and lights up the award
President Dan holds the award up high for all to see
Finally, Brock Landers is presented with his special award
Brock tells Warren that this award will definitely go into his trophy room
Brock loves his newest trophy
We all love Brock Landers and his newest trophy
Brock's newest trophy features photos of Brock, his car and some of his other trophies
President Dan Tuck presnts the Outstanding Member award to Elaine Obert
Dan Tuck and Elaine Obert with her 2017 Outstanding Member award
President Dan Tuck presented Dave Derrig and Jim Drabik with awards for organizing the Corvettes at CORSA show for 10 years
Dave Derrig and Jim Drabik accept their Corvettes at CORSA Outstanding Accomplishment award
Jim thanked all who helped him and Dave with Corvettes at CORSA
Dan Tuck presented a special invisible ink pen to our treasurer for the past 30 years (Don Obert)
Dan Tuck and Don Obert pose with the invisble ink pen
President Dan thanked Elaine Obert and Big Tom Prusnek for their outstanding efforts to make our 60th anniversary special (Big Tom was recovering from surgery)
The President's Award went to Social Directors Larry Nemecek and Mike Gates for 4 years of service
The President's Award went to Social Directors Larry Nemecek and Mike Gates for 4 years of outstanding service
Larry delivered an emotional acceptance speech while Mike looked on
Cindy presented Special Service awards to Janet Carey, Joyce Ciach, Katie Blake, Shari Gray, Judy Nemecek and Claudia Fiala for working so hard on the EOR Awards Banquet Hospitality
Cindy Flanhofer, Betty Ward, Janet Carey, Joyce Ciach and Judy Nemecek accept their jewelry awards
Cindy presented Barb & Ron Stephens with the Mary Yoder MakoRay award
Cindy and Mary Ann laugh about this MakoRay award
Mary Ann poses proudly with her MakoRay award
Cal Woods and Angelo Costanzo accept their Beef O'Brady Car Show Hill Climb MakoRay awards
Cindy starts presenting the next group of MakoRay awards even though the recipients don't quite know what the award is for yet
Al Flanhofer just handed out "Welcome to Corvette Cleveland" brochures to this group
Now the laughter starts as this group sees photos of themselves dozing off at car shows and meetings!
Tommy Farrer, Mike Gates, Ray Kreidman, Janet Carey, Judie Derrig, Dan Kovalik, Angelo Costanzo, Larry Nemecek and Don Obert proudly accept their MakoRay awards
Al Flanhofer explains Jackie Stoutenberg's MakoRay Competition award
Pauline Danzey accepts her Swine Dining Award of Excellence from Cindy Flanhofer
Marty Fiala won a Holiday Inn Car Cleaning Kit (ice bucket) MakoRay award
Laurie Kubiak accepts her MakoRay award from Cindy Flanhofer
Cindy and Laurie laugh about the MakoRay Solar Eclipse Travel Award
Karen Santagata runs away with the MakoRay award that Al Flanhofer just gave her while Judie and Dave laugh about it
Cindy and Al present Tim Paul and Rob Snyder with some MakoRay Spinout awards
Tim Adams accepts his Bit Coin MakoRay award from Cindy
Tim Adams is still smiling about his Bit Coin MakoRay award as he returns to his seat next to Bonnie
Warren, Jim and Paul are reading their Executive Board Politically Correct MakoRay award that Al just handed them
Fred Kubiak, Warren Obert, Jim Youngs and Paul Campbell accept their Executive Board Politically Correct MakoRay awards
Jim and Paul show off their Executive Board Politically Correct MakoRay awards
Fred Kubiak delivered an acceptance speech for the Executive Board Politically Correct MakoRay awards
Mary Ann Obert and Janice Sudia share a mother/daughter moment
John, Danny and Ray having phone fun
Janet, Judy, Cindy and Joyce could be having a serious ciscussion
Pauline and Helene visit
Ken, Frank and Don pose
Linda and Phil
Jim and Tom
Mike, Betty, Marcia, Fred and Brock
Brock's special trophy
Joyce, Rhonda, Tommy and Dave
Mark and Al
Buddie, Marty, Jackie and Claudia have fun posing with a yard of Twix
We all signed a Get Well card for Big Tom Prusnek
Big Tom's Get Well card
Lucy, Bonnie and Heather
Lisa Tuck, Karen & Gus Santagata and Karen Campbell
Dennis and Joyce
Lisa, Karen, Gus and Karen laugh about Betty's magnetic bracelet
Gus and Betty prove that our flatware is not Stainless Steel
Joyce and Lynn
The best photos of Karen and Gus are candid non-posed shots
Rhonda and Tommy Farrer visit Santa
Newlyweds Kathryn and Dan Nipper pose with Santa
Karen Campbell sits on Santa's lap
Lucy and Angelo visit Santa
Pop Tart Ed and Santa
Larry and Judy Nemecek visit Santa
Sue and Jim Youngs visit Santa
Rob and Lisa Snyder visit Santa
Rob and Lisa Snyder visit Santa
Judie and Dave Derrig visit Santa
Judie and Dave Derrig visit Santa
Diane Stachowiak sits on Santa's lap
Diane Stachowiak sits on Santa's lap
Ray and Shari visit Santa
Ray and Shari visit Santa
Ernie and Marcia visit Santa
Top Eliminator Jeff Kubiak asks Santa for more racing gear
Jackie Stoutenberg sits on Santa's lap
Tim Mandarano
Dan Nipper supervises Kathryn's Santa visit
Ross & Janet Carey visit Santa
Fred Kubiak seems concerned about Betty Ward sitting on Santa's lap
Fred Kubiak seems concerned about Betty Ward sitting on Santa's lap
Betty Ward and Fred Kubiak visit Santa
Janice Sudia, Mary Ann and Don Obert vist Santa
Janice Sudia, Mary Ann and Don Obert vist Santa
Janice Sudia, Mary Ann and Don Obert vist Santa
Claudia and Marty Fiala visit Santa
Joyce and Dennis Labbato visit Santa
Santa dwarfed by Dan Kovalik
Santa standing tall with Dan Kovalik
Santa and a Pop Tart
Santa and a Pop Tart with a hula hoop
Marcia, Ernie, Joyce and Dennis
the first three Pop Tarts
Brock Landers drove his newer Corvette to the party
Brock doesn't mind getting his Corvette covered with snow
all four Pop Tarts
Jeff Kubiak and the Pop Tarts
Ray Kreidman gets hooped
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York spectators
New York, New York spectators
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York socks
New York, New York socks