Corvette Cleveland
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Dec 13th Christmas and Awards
Bill & Julie
Jackie, Dave & Shelley
Dan, Dennis & Joyce, Shari and Ruby
Dan and Aloha Phil
1st to 10th Place Trophies
11th to 20th Place Awards
Williams on the Lake has been a wonderful place for our annual Christmas and Award Banquet for about 16 years now
Social Shari and Aloha Phil
Aloha Phil playin' the tunes
Aloha Phil and one of our Santa center pieces
Mike & Helene
Larry & Judy
Karen & Gus
Left half of our group photo
Right half of our group photo
Corvette Cleveland's annual group photo
2020 Social Directors Joyce & Dennis
The buffet line opens for business
We always enjoy great food at Williams on the Lake
Claudia & Marty
Andrea and Janice
VP Larry presents a ceremonial gavel to President Warren & Elaine
Membership Ken addressing the crowd
Gary had a scheduling conflict, but here is his Membership Award
Membership Ken will give this award to Gary at our next meeting
Competition Jackie presenting the Rookie of the Year Award to Kevin
Competition Jackie presenting the Rookie of the Year Award to Kevin
Wonderful door prizes
Competition Jackie presents Joyce with the Most Improved Driver Award
Competition Jackie presented Dave & Shelley with a special hard luck award because of a broken windshield incident a few days after buying a C6 Corvette
Competition Jackie presented Karen with a Top Worker of the Year Award
Jackie presented the top 11th to 20th male competitors with their awards
Jackie presented the top 11th to 20th female competitors with their awards
Jackie presented the top 1st to 10th male competitors with their trophies
Tommy's First Place Shirt
Governor and Regional Competition Director Al presented Jackie with her 1st Place Trophy
The top 1st to 10th female competitors with their trophies
Competition Jackie's First Place Shirt
2019 President Warren
Tom earned the President's Award from Warren
Jackie & Christopher are all smiles after Christopher won the Outstanding Member Award
Mike, Ken and Jim earned Tough Guy Awards the hard way this year
Rootin' Tootin' Sharp Shootin' Shari received MakoRay Award for an incident involving Governor Al
Dan won a MakoRay Award for an incident back in May
Dan won the Throw-in-the-Sponge MakoRay Award for getting his SUV covered in mud at one of our events
Dan can laugh about the mud now
Tim was laughing about his MakoRay Cup Award
Publisher Cindy gave a Di-Spenser MakoRay Award to Spence for being so generous with cold beverages at our events this year
Spence loved his MakoRay Award
Spence even started dispensing beverages!
JoAnn and BigTom laugh about Tom's Time Capsule MakoRay Award for expired medications
Judie received a MakoRay Award for lifting a BIG Glass, Dave, Jackie, Buddy, Marty and Claudia got a laugh out of it, too
2020 E-Board Member Ross won a commemorative MakoRay Award for the Historic Mansfield Prison trip
VP Larry won a Love Machine MakoRay Award because of the amorous dragonfly incident back in July
Betty won the Bubble Wrap MakoRay Award so that she can wrap Fred in it to keep him safe
Of course, Fred won the MakoRay First Aid Kit
Rubberband Man Tommy testing his MakoRay Award
Christopher made a lot happen this year by being the Ohio Caravan Captain for the 2019 NCM Caravan
John won the C-4 Survival MakoRay Award
Buddie won the Toilet Repair MakoRay Award because he repaired the toilet at Lorain Speedway during our AutoCross
Mike accepted the MakoRay Awards for Jeff which included an AutoCross Reserved Parking Award and an award for Jeff & Laurie dressed as Vincent & Mia from Pulp Fiction at the Halloween Rallye
Mike won the "Done In" MakoRay Award for being horizontal at the October Clambake
Lynn won the Passenger Preparedness Kit MakoRay Award for having to ride with Mike
The Stunt Team got their own shirts
The Stunt Team got their own shirts
2019 President Warren passes the gavel to 2020 President Jim
2020 President Jim addresses the club
Stay tuned -- We may be able to acquire more of these and/or similar items
Shelley poses with some her awards
door prizes
more door prizes
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
Mike & Pauline
Mike started his big tease
Betty & Mike, Cindy & Al, Ross & Janet on the dance floor
Betty & Mike and Cindy & Al on the dance floor
Ross & Janet
Lori & John
Betty & Mike and Lori & John
Janet & Ross
Jerry, Cal, Jim, Mike, John and Tom
Line Dancing
Line Dancing
Line Dancing
Line Dancing
Line Dancing